Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Zoe's artwork from other people's perspective

well this week i have met alot of people from different walks of life that all felt the same about Zoe Strauss.First and formost we interviewed Elyse Gonazales at ICA that had help bring Zoe's art to the museum. The whenever Wednesday was a great success. There were many people that came to see Zoe's work and all of who we talked to about the show and Zoe's work were all in love with it. "Many of the people who were there were artists and friends and family who all admire and adore Zoe.One at the show was Albert Yee who is one of Zoe's biggest Fans. He explained how her work has really explained Philadephia's history and the story of today.She had inspired him to take more photos of real life.Yesterday the Whitney Student from New York came to Zoe's studio and her art at the ramp of the ICA.

As the People at the Whenever Wendsday watched ther slideshow of Zoe's work some looked as though they were enjoying the art and the music as for the others they looked like they just didnt get it.Zoe's work has Affected a large Number of people in a good way.The residents from Philly really had alot in common because of where her pictures where taken. Some pictures where under the El at North philly.

the effect that Zoe's artwork had on me is very special because everything she has done and that i know her personaly has really affected my veiw of life and how i see it


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