Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tracy's final evaluation of the project

1. What was your favorite part of the program and why?
my favorite part of the project was that i met so many people i never thought i would. i also liked the fact that i felt happy for what i was learning and doing.

2.In what ways do you feel you have contributed to the documentry?
i feel that i had alot to say on how i felt about art and that i had a way to show myself through what i have done so far.

3.Working with the rest of the crew heled me open up to people and they helped me to learn to work with people from all walks of life.

4.I learned from this project that i can do more then just work with paper and pencil or paint. and that filming can be considered an art form

5.i will use all the informaton in the future to help me to get myself into college and also to help me broaded my horizion on what i wanna do in the art field.

6.My perceptin on art has change because now i can take on the feild in photography and to input it into my art.

7.My perception on documentaries has changed because all documentaries are different and some can change the way you view life.

8.i would have changed the length of the program because i believe that their was more to learn about filming and also about ZOE

9.I believe that i have learned a whole lot from this project and it has helped me improve the way i view life.

10. i planned on working with art for the rest of my life and . In a way the project has made me want to work with art alittle more.

11. This project did meet my expection and yes i wished this project was longer .I thinked i would have liked it more to work with Zoe.


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